Neil Shorey was more than a little surprised when he got a call from a Blue Health CoachSM asking whether he would like help — at no additional cost — with a number of health issues. We knew that a coach could help Neil — but only if he wanted our assistance. Neil was more than receptive.
"It was really something," Neil recalled. "To have someone from Blue Cross call to help me improve my health — I was really surprised." Blue Health Coach Jen Butler-Rickard remembered that when she first called Neil, he proudly said: "I quit smoking 369 days, nine hours ago!" Jen could tell that Neil was really motivated to improve his health.
Neil's biggest challenge after quitting was significant weight gain — from 198 pounds to 216 pounds. With worsening high blood pressure, past serious heart trouble, and a family history of heart disease, Neil was determined to lose weight.
Both Jen and Neil's doctor suggested Weight Watchers,® and Neil joined. Members who participate in Weight Watchers are eligible for a $150 reimbursement. What made the experience particularly special for Neil was that his wife Laurie and their son joined as well. "It was a big thing for us as a family," said Laurie. "The guidance Neil got from Blue Cross benefited all of us."
Jen urged Neil to combine exercise with his new approach to nutrition, so Neil dusted off a treadmill "that we had used as a coat rack. With Jen's encouragement, now I use it every morning." Jen called Neil every three or four weeks. She provided positive feedback and support and reminded Neil why he was making the changes — to lower his blood pressure and reduce overall cardiovascular risks.
In a matter of months Neil lost all the weight he had gained. When he went for a checkup his doctor exclaimed: "What happened to you!"
Neil told him about the changes he made as the result of working with a Blue Health Coach. He said: "I feel like a million bucks." The doctor said that, for the first time in many years, Neil's blood pressure was "textbook perfect."
Neil, his doctor, and Jen proved to be a great team.